Domestic Cleaning Tips – How to Clean Your Kitchen

By December 27, 2010Domestic Cleaning
House Cleaners London

Professional House Cleaners Are A Real Help After Christmas Is Over

Washing up the dirty dishes is one thing, but trying to clean the entire kitchen can be tiresome, especially at this time of year, where you have a whole Christmas Dinner to prepare for more than forty family members.

Cleaning everything up after such an ordeal could take a huge chunk out of your day, which means you won’t be able to relax before you get ready to go off to another dinner on Boxing Day!

Of course, if you have that many heads to feed, it’s likely they’ll give you a helping hand in the kitchen anyway. But you don’t want to waste too much time kitchen cleaning, with or without help, so here are a few domestic cleaning tips that could speed up the process:

Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water. This will work wonders on any stainless steel surfaces, such as the oven and sink.
Use an old toothbrush to clean the tap and to reach into those difficult corners.
Leave an open box of baking soda in the fridge overnight will deodorise the fridge.
No doubt you’ll have a few chopped lemons left over from the Christmas Dinner. Rub their juices onto the chopping board and rinse it to kill any bacteria. The citric acid makes a great sanitizer.
Of course, you could skip the house cleaning all together by hiring a domestic cleaning company London. Their fully trained and experienced house cleaners can tidy up the whole house for you while you get to relax.

If you would like to arrange for domestic cleaning London then call now on 020 3907 7263 for a free quote and hire a house cleaner to visit at a convenient time for you.

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