How to Clean Raw Egg off Your Carpet

Carpet Cleaning London

Carpet Cleaners London Can Remove All Types Of Stains

It won’t be long before the bearded man himself is squeezing his way down your chimney, and it’s almost time to start baking mince pies to lay out for him. Homemade mince pies are great for handing out to friends and family when they come to visit and can be perfect for getting into the festive spirit.

But when you are making several batches and getting your children to help too, it can become a messy job. So it’s best to know a few carpet cleaning tips before you get started.

One of the worst things to spill is raw egg. It’s not so much the stain as the smell that can develop if it is not cleaned up properly. So if you do accidentally spill raw egg onto your carpet, then follow these instructions:

Mix one teaspoon of mild detergent with a cup of warm water, and blot the stain with a clean towel.
Mix one teaspoon of household ammonia with half a cup of water and blot again.
Repeat the first step.
Rinse by blotting with a sponge and clean water.
Use a clean towel to dry the area.
Remember to act immediately when any type of spillage occurs for quicker results. Using this method will prevent that terrible smell from developing and putting a damper on your festive spirit.

Once the Christmas is over, it is a good idea to call a cleaning company London to come and deal with the carpet cleaning. With all that food and wine sloshing about, there are bound to be a few more spillages and stains, so hire carpet cleaning London to get it looking spotless again in no time.

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Ivan Nikolov

About Ivan Nikolov

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