Carpet Cleaners Are A Big Help After Christmas Parties
It won’t be long before we’re hearing the jingle of Christmas bells as the festive season gets well and truly underway.
You’ve already chosen your outfit for the office Christmas party and you’ve decided on the day that you will go and pick up that all important Christmas tree.
But we all know that even after jolly old Saint Nick has been and gone, there will be leftovers from the big day that will take ages to clean up. Most annoying of these messes are fallen pine needles that have stuck to the carpet.
You’ve tried vacuum cleaning, but there’s just no way you can lift them all off the carpet. Here are a few methods to try:
Break up the sap by applying a dry foam carpet shampoo over the affected area. Let it sit overnight and loosen the needles with a stiff brush the next morning. Run a vacuum cleaner over the loose needles.
Run a lint roller over the pine needles in different directions and angles.
Wrap duct tape sticky side up around your hand and pat around until all the needles are lifted.
Of course, pine needles may be the least of your carpet cleaning worries, especially if you are the host of a large family Christmas dinner. If there are little ones running about, chances are they’ll spill something on your carpet, or your drunken uncle knocks a glass of red wine over!
In that case, you should consider hiring a carpet cleaning company London. With a single phone call they can arrange for experienced carpet cleaners London to come and make your floors completely spotless.
Carpet cleaning services are popular over the festive season, so make sure you plan ahead and book them soon before they get snatched up like mince pies.
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