If there’s one thing that we all dread, it’s spilling coffee on a carpet. That stain can really be difficult to shift but don’t panic; there are ways of removing this type of stain without having to subtly move a piece of furniture to cover it.
The fist call of action is to blot as much of the excess coffee up as possible. You can do this using a kitchen towel.
If you are applying acarpet cleaning solution for the first time to your carpet, then make sure you test it on a small section that is out of the way to see if it has any affect on your carpet.
Then spray the stain with water. Blot the stain with kitchen towel and repeat this until the stain has gone.
It’s a very simple way of getting coffee stains out of your carpet but not many people use it because they are too busy worrying about the mess they have made. But if you leave a coffee stain too long, then you are likely to be left with a faded brown mark that is even more difficult to get out.
If this is the case, then the best call of action is to call in a carpet cleaning London based company to come and work their magic. The professional carpet cleaners will use the best equipment to leave you with spotless carpets and there will be no trace of those faded brown coffee stains. And next time the dreaded accident happens, you will know exactly what to do to get the stain out.
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