Snake on a train causes cleaning bill

By February 28, 2011Articles

Snake on a train causes cleaning bill

A woman who lost her three-foot snake on a train in Boston now faces a large commercial cleaning services bill.

Melissa Moorhouse has received a cleaning bill from the underground network to cover the cost of having to disinfect the Boston Red Line train following the escape of Penelope the snake.

According to the Boston Globe, a number of passengers using the city network raised concerns that the snake may have spread germs that could cause infections such as salmonella. Therefore, Ms Moorhouse is now facing charges of $650 (£400) to cover the cost of using Upholstery Cleaners on the train’s seating.

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority general manager Richard A Davey explained that the snake has now been found and returned to its owner.

However, he added: “While I’m not looking to start a war with Penelope and her owners, they have to be accountable for their actions.”

Reptiles can carry the salmonella bacteria without any ill effects or symptoms but young children or those with a weak immune system can contract the bacteria by coming into contact with infected animals.

Posted by Antoaneta Tsocheva

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