Many people fail to wash their hands, expert says

By September 21, 2010Articles

 Many people fail to wash their hands, expert says

Many people are failing to wash and dry their hands thoroughly, thereby putting their health at risk, an expert has said.

Dr Val Curtis, director and reader at the Hygiene Centre at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, explained that although most people know it is a good idea to wash their hands with soap, they fail to translate this into action.

She said that some people do not want to wash their hands in a washroom for fear that they may attract contamination.

Dr Curtis commented: “On the trains for example, people don’t want to wash their hands with soap because they don’t actually want to touch the facilities; they think that it is going to make them even more dirty than they are already. People have lots of reasons why.”

Another reason people fail to clean their hands is that it is not a habit, Dr Curtis explained. If people have not cultivated a routine of automatically washing their hands, then it will be difficult for them to pick this up in later life.

As well as washing hands, people should always carry out their House Cleaning in a thorough fashion, to get rid of germs and bacteria.

Posted by Paula Huzjak

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