How to clean ice cream stains from carpet

By November 22, 2009Articles

If you are a parent you will know that ice cream stains are very difficult to get rid off. After all those children’s parties, your carpet is beginning to resemble a modern piece of art with all those brown, pink and white splodges dotted around. But there is no need to worry because there are plenty of effective carpet cleaning services available across the country who can help you out with this problem. But if you are looking for the best in carpet cleaning London is the place to be. These services can help you get rid of stubborn stains and here is a quick guide as to how they work their magic: · Removing the residue: The first step to take, in order to rid your carpet of ice cream stains are to remove the residue. The residue consists of any physical parts of the ice cream that are still stuck to the carpet. This may be a tough job if the residue is particularly sticky, so the cleaning company will use specialist equipment. · Using a cleaning agent: Once the carpet is rid of the surface stains, it may have deep rooted stains inside the carpet fibre. It is these areas that are tackled next with a cleaning agent. Good carpet cleaning services have cleaning agents that are mild and do not cause harm to your carpet. · Scrubbing and hosing: The final step involves a carpet scrubber and a flat nosed hose. After using the cleaning agent, the carpet cleaning service will use a scrubber. They will not use a brush as it may destroy the fibres in the carpet. After scrubbing the carpet thoroughly, the flat nosed high powered hose will suck out all the dirt from the carpet. Although ice cream may look innocent enough, it could have a devastating effect on your carpet. But you should not attempt to get rid of the stains yourself. Using warm water to clean your carpet may affect the glue that is used to stick your carpet’s fibre together.

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