The mayor of Hackney has come under fire for not paying London contract cleaners a decent living wage.
Prospective mayoral candidates criticised Jules Pipe’s recently renewed council cleaning contract, which pays staff less than the London living wage of £7.60 per hour, reports the Hackney Citizen.
The London Living Wage was introduced five years ago by London Mayor Ken Livingston’s administration and is £1.87 higher than the national minimum wage.
Andrew Boff, the Conservative candidate for mayor, said Mr Pipe’s decision is a “pact with poverty”.
“Jules Pipe spouts about [the London living wage] but recently was happy to authorise a Learning Trust contract to KGB for school cleaning that would see operatives working for very much lower than the living wage,” he said.
Mischa Borris, the Green party candidate for mayor, described the decision to pay London commercial cleaners wages below the minimum for the capital as “shocking and unacceptable”.
Meanwhile, the University of London Union and London Citizens have launched a campaign to secure the London living wage for contract cleaning professionals in higher education institutions in the capital.
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Posted by Antoaneta Tsocheva