Domestic cleaners help keep student digs in tip top condition

By September 1, 2010Articles

Domestic cleaners help keep student digs in tip top condition

Landlords can attract more tenants to their properties if they ensure premises are kept hygienic through the use of professional Domestic Cleaners, an expert has suggested.

Brad Staines, of About My Area, noted that during the summer months when students are off on holiday, halls of residences and student properties are often left empty and unclean.

Instead of allowing dirt to accumulate, landlords should take full advantage of this break to hire professional house cleaners to clean carpets, wash mattresses and make properties generally more presentable.

Keeping properties in good order will make them much more attractive to prospective tenants once the new term commences.

Mr Staines pointed out that most students may occasionally carry out a quick and fleeting clean of areas that are visible, but they tend to neglect all other parts of the residence that need attention.

Professional domestic cleaners however, are much more thorough and pay particular attention to the parts of the house that typically escape the reach of the broom or feather duster.

“An end of tenancy student clean will involve professional cleaners providing a dedicated, deep clean of the whole property,” Mr Staines commented. “This can include skirting boards, windows, doors, fridges and kitchen appliances.”

Posted by Teodora Ivanova

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