Eco-friendly manufacturer Clorox has expanded its Domestic Cleaning offerings, it has emerged.
Clorox Green Works, the company’s line of natural cleaners derived from plant-based ingredients, now offers ten Green Works products including laundry detergents, bathroom cleaners and cleaning wipes.
The company said it has decided to list the ingredients for all the house cleaning products on its website, so consumers can see exactly what goes into the manufacturing of the products they buy.
Jamie Silberberger, director of programmes and policy at the environmental group Women’s Voices for the Earth, said that although Clorox has made significant gains in its quest to increase its environmental credentials, there is still plenty of room for improvement.
“Clorox has taken steps in the right direction toward greener practices with [its] Green Works line and [its] new Corporate Social Responsibility website,” she told the San Francisco Chronicle.
“But their regular line still has products that contain chemicals of concern and consumers are still left in the dark about some of their ingredients, such as chemicals in their fragrances and dyes.”
Posted by Ivan Rancic
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