Cleaning enthusiast wins title of Britain’s Queen of Clean

By June 23, 2010Articles

Cleaning enthusiast wins title of Britain's Queen of Clean

A learning advisor from North Yorkshire has earned the title of Britain’s Queen of Clean for her fastidious approach to domestic cleaning.

Helen Simpson from Hipswell, Catterick Garrison, who is thought to have spent 28 per cent of her life carrying out house cleaning duties, was given the Spontex-sponsored title by Aggie Mackenzie, presenter of Channel 4’s How Clean is Your House.

Over the past 19 years, the 39-year-old educational professional has clocked up a staggering 9,880 hours cleaning her house using her latex-free rubber gloves.

Ms Simpson, who has been nicknamed Monica after the obsessive character from the hit US sitcom Friends, has even been known to book holidays off from work just so she can devote more time to house cleaning.

She even takes her equipment along with her when she goes on holiday so she can get down to cleaning if the urge takes over.

“I just really enjoy it,” Ms Simpson told the Northern Echo. “I don’t mind the house looking lived in or a cushion being out of place. I just really love cleaning and tidying up.”

Along with the title, Ms Simpson was also awarded with trip for two to Switzerland – one of the world’s cleanest countries.

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Posted by Teodora Ivanova


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