Carpet Cleaning Tips – How To Clean Flood Damage

Carpet Cleaning London

Carpet Cleaners Can Repair The Damage Caused By Flooded Water

You might not think that water can leave a stain; but if you’ve ever experienced a flooding in your home, you will know that water can have a huge impact on your carpet.

Floods in homes can happen for a number of reasons. It could be anything from a burst pipe, leaving the taps running too long when you’re filling up a bath or, in extreme cases, relentless downpours of heavy rain.

Getting any amount of water onto your carpet can cause problems if not dried immediately. The moisture could turn your carpet into a breeding ground for mould, which could cause serious health issues.

So what can you do to save your carpet besides replacing it altogether? Here are a few carpet cleaning tips for you to follow.

Assess the Damage

If we’re talking about a small puddle of water, then you could take care of the problem yourself if you have the right tools for the job. However, if the water has covered a significant area of your carpet, then you’ll be better off calling a carpet cleaning company London.

Air Drying

Open all the windows to get a breeze going through the house that will eventually dry the carpet. It’s a slow process, but will help to get the job done. You could speed the process if you have fans in the house or an air conditioner. Again, professional carpet cleaners have powerful fans that they use to dry carpets after completing a carpet cleaning service, which is another good reason to let them take care of it.

Use A Steam Cleaner

If you have a wet vacuum or a carpet cleaner, then you could successfully extract the flooded water from your carpet. This is the quickest method recommended for large flooded areas. Stream cleaning machines are available for hire, but you could always call carpet cleaners London to do the job for you.

Use Bathroom Towels

If the area of flooding is small, and you have enough on hand, then you could simply soak up the water with a few towels.

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Professional Carpet Cleaning

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